Nectresse…Another No-Go For Me.

All I really had to do was see that it comes from the makers of Splenda to know I’d likely want nothing to do with it.

From what I’ve learned at this point about where it originates and what they in turn added to the extract, I know this will be yet another new alternative sweetener I will not be using.

It amazes me how hard so many companies will try to put out new alternative sweeteners.  The problem is, is that the market craves them and will go to them readily as alternatives to sugar, despite them having equal or less value.  Most health enthusiasts will research and report similar stances to mine on this new product, and it just becomes a matter of time before it, like agave for instance, develops the same negative publicity due to the lack of benefits of using it.

Oh well.  Another day another dollar from the masses……………………lol………….T