Diabetic Using Colon Cleanse Tactic

— On Fri, 8/31/12, lisa……..> wrote:

From: lisa…….>
Subject: Re: Live from Tim: Electrocuting my Hand, Canadian Offer:
Date: Friday, August 31, 2012, 11:42 AM

I hope I didn’t unsubscribe myself, but I haven’t had any emails since Sunday, August 28, 2012.  I am going to start my fast today and am very excited about it.  I am much encouraged by Shannon Unkefer who is a local in my area and who has absolutely wonderful things to say about your program.  I am a diabetic with hyperlipidemia who is overweight and I would absolutely love to be healthy and for the first time in a very long time I feel like I have found something that will work! 
If I have inadvertently unsubscribed do I have to provide another email address or can I just give you my initial one again?  I am afraid I won’t check other emails and this one comes directly to my phone so I can tap into you wherever I am! 
Thanks again for what I feel is a great health directive!  Shannon said be sure to take some photos to remember this old body by as I am never going to see it again after starting your program! 
Have a wonderful day and weekend!  Thanks a million!
Kindest Regards,


(snipped for privacy regarding personal communication between myself and Lisa)…I’m working hard on expanding my carbohydrate information for all concerned, with a lot of on-going experimentation in the area.  Since you are diabetic, I would make sure I speak with my favorite trusted alternative doctor about the safety of the cleanse, or consider the green juicing/raw fooding alternative with the colon flush each day.  You didn’t reference type 1 or 2, and there is of course a definite difference, the latter being much easier to resolve via diet based on my studies and third party experience, the former likely requiring daily medication BUT, based on what I’ll be presenting (hint below), can be reduced for some people following a low-fat diet.

Once things get more into a maintenance phase for you, with the new info I am working on, we can experiment with starches and whole fruits a lot more so that we’re not depriving ourselves of healthy sweets for fuel.

As one hint into my research, if I was type two, I would put a grand effort into focusing on the fat content of my diet.  I would keep it to strictly very healthy fats in very low amounts, omega 3s, avocados, coconut oil, and minimal saturated fats from poultry or bison, and small amounts of eggs the latter of which also protein sources. 

I’d reduce the fats to literally less than 10% of my diet, BUT, make sure I get them in every single day, until the desired health standard is reached.

It is coming more and more to light that the fats we are consuming are the primary cause for countless people when it comes to insulin resistance.  Again, I am going on the assumption we are dealing with type 2 here.  Once the fats are adjusted in the diet, the insulin receptors on our cells can function properly, reducing the ambient blood sugar levels and with exercise, making huge and instant use of all healthy sugars we are consuming.

So I would consider these things closely if I were dealing with type 2.

Hope that helps, you are still on the list, and I will try hard to provide more on-going content.  Also working on my over-40 program with some additional material that I will offer for free to everyone once completed.

Tim  🙂