“Organic” Produce In Your Country?

It’s important to remember that the term “Organic” is something of an “American” word, I would say somewhat “owned” by the United States.  It is a standard used here to help consumers determine which foods will hopefully have the lowest pesticide content, among other important issues the buyer would want to be aware of.

It does NOT always mean the product is non-GMO, or non-Genetically Modified (Organism).

That aside however, we also have a new and growing standard called “CNG,” which stands for “Certified Naturally Grown.”

This is based more on an honor system, as compared to having a government agency monitoring the foods.

To obtain the “Organic” label is here very costly for most farmers.  Smaller farmers have a very difficult time affording this qualification, due simply to economics, so the more health-conscious growers decided to work together, to help provide consumers with an option to the organic standard that they could trust…and that may, in many cases, be even BETTER than organic standards that seem to decline year by year, as the government standards allow farmers to use more and more toxins in the growing process to attempt to rid the crop of insects and other problems.

In other countries outside of the US, you will need to check with the farmers to see what their practices are.  They could be even BETTER than organic standards here…or…they could be much worse.

I regret that I do not have any way of verifying the quality of the growing processes used by farmers outside of the US.  But I would hope that most people, who depend on these farmers for their produce needs, would have some sort of standard expected of the farmers, to help ensure they are obtaining the healthiest foods they can possibly obtain.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………………..Tim   🙂