Every so often a man will contact me about the development of “man boobs” and his frustration with attempting to eliminate them.
There is a nearly direct cause for this condition, and the good news is, it can be reversed.
A man dealing with this will almost without exception have excess belly fat. There is a direct relationship between excess belly fat and estrogen in the body, and due to the proximity of the belly to the chest area, the effects of an imbalance of estrogen in the body can manifest itself in the chest region as the “man boob” phenomena.
Unfortunately we live in a world that is plagued with estrogen-mimicking substances all around us. We therefore not only need to be on a proper diet and exercise program to help reduce the effect of excess carbs and calories impacting our mid-section and body fat levels, but also a life-long detoxification, which you all know I stress so strongly in everything I do, to help compensate for this over-exposure and to help reduce the effects caused by this exposure.
Exposure to plastics, excessive soy (especially non-fermented), “xenoestrogens” found in soaps and other common household products, all contribute to this effect.
As always, greens, green smoothies, etc are an excellent way to help detoxify and cleanse the system to help remove or mitigate our exposure to these estrogen-producing scenarios, as is weight resistance exercise, which is proven to increase testosterone production in men. Along with both of these, adequate daily spring water helps move detoxification along and assists with protein metabolism that is needed in our weight training efforts.
This is not a condition anyone has to be stuck with. It’s simply a matter of understanding its likely origin, and taking the proper counter measures within a new lifestyle to combat and resolve the issue.
Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………….Tim 🙂