I was having a conversation with a friend who feels that my style of eating is too rigorous, or too restrictive for her to have any interest in pursuing it, despite wanting to lose about ten pounds of added fat to her body.
She is on the short side, a mere 4‘11“ or so, wears high heels to compensate, works out in a very similar way to the way I teach people to in my program, and has great overall form, except in one troublesome area…her tummy is a bit tubby.
Just a little bit.
It’s the kind of thing where if she just makes some easy adjusts and substitutions in her diet…then adds just an alternate form of exercise that I’m encouraging her to do…the tummy would trim down with almost 100% certainty.
But she’s stubborn, and does not want to make any changes.
And she thinks that if she just works out harder, that that will be enough.
Her point is “hey…I want to be able to eat what I want to eat…I GOTTA LIVE A LITTLE, YA KNOW?”
(And yes, she practically yelled this point to me).
I simply have a different perspective:
“Yes,” certain foods really do need to be avoided.
But I look at the substitutions I make in my diet as instead offering me a much longer, and higher quality of life, in the long run.
In other words…
Why “live a little,” by plugging crap into my body that does nothing for my health, and contributes to fat and toxins on and in my body…
…When I can “live a Lot” by giving my body something much healthier, and equally fulfilling once it’s given a chance, that enhances my body and overall energy and well-being for the long run instead?
Just my perspective.
Love, Happiness, Health and Peace……………Tim 🙂