Benefits of Adderall…Naturally.

It is shocking to discover that an additional one million prescriptions are given out this year to people who do NOT have ADD, or related symptoms, for which the drug Adderall would be prescribed.

Women are taking it as a way of achieving high states of alertness and focus, while having the side “benefit” of losing weight due to how adderall is processed in the body and its impact on stomach function.

It’s beyond shocking…it’s outright appalling.

Reason being, this is a drug.  A drug that alters brain chemistry and once it does so, causes an addiction that requires the abuser of this drug to NEED the drug in order to maintain the effects.

What IS the difference between this scenario and that of the heroin/crack addict on the street?

SO much of these sorts of benefits can be had naturally, via a lifestyle focused on health first, with high attention paid to detoxification (as compared to literally toxifying the body with a drug) and pathogen removal, cleaning of the organs responsible for elimination and keeping the body in a high-functioning state via diet and movement.

These benefits can also by had via prudent supplementation, where deficiencies may exist, which are extremely commonplace nowadays. 

Wouldn’t it be far more beneficial to your mental state and body if you fed your body useful, natural nutrients to derive almost the exact same benefits, as compared to attempting to maintain an unnatural “high” via these toxic substances with huge side-effect profiles?

How about adequate vitamin D via the sun for starters?  Have you had your levels checked, and do they adhere to levels suggested by Dr. Holick, the vitamin D expert?  Levels of at least around 60?

I’d bet if you are suffering from low energy, etc, your levels are no where near that.

How about exploring water-soluble vitamins like B12 in its methyl form, and C via camu camu, amla, or perhaps ascorbic acid as a last resort?

All of these alternatives work *with* the body, and provide other benefits outside of increasing energy and focus.

For me, the choice is easy.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………….Tim