“Purified” Water Likely Ain’t What ya Think

People often ask me what kind of water I drink, so I’m quick to reply “mostly spring or artesian water.”

It has been a long-term frustrating issue for me, focusing on fluoride more than anything else.

Fluoride is used in drugs like Prozac.  It creates a calming effect on many people, and taken in daily, incrementally, can possibly have many side effects outside of making people docile; it may also be linked to pineal gland issues and slowing of the metabolism, among many others.

We know some certain factors have to be responsible for the massive population-wide weight and fat gain that has ballooned over the past 30 years.  We know what some of these factors are, and I cover them in my program.

Then we have the “filtered water” issue that is used in so many of our food products.  Look on the ingredient label, and you will see this ingredient listed for soups, almond milks, coconut milks, soy milks, sports drinks and soft drinks.

Just what was this filtering process they used, and where was the water sourced from to begin with?

If it is simply a form of municipal tap water, isn’t the water likely fluoridated, and does the filtration process used by the food manufacturer extract the fluoride from the water?

Highly improbable.

Fluoride is used as a drug.  It can also occur naturally in various sources/forms.

My issue is what happens when it is deliberately ADDED to the water supply, to increase the amount we’re exposed to that *otherwise would not occur naturally*.

“Nothing’s wrong with it though, I’m fine, and it prevents tooth decay.”

Does it prevent tooth decay?  What about the studies showing the damage it does to calcium, enamel and dental fluorosis?

And doesn’t it seem like there is an awful, awful lot of very unmotivated…perhaps what people might call “lazy”…people in the western world?

If small on-going doses of a prozac-like substance were in one of the few things we require daily for survival…water…

Wouldn’t that amount to a form of involuntary medication?

Why would we add ANYTHING to the water supply…of all things, to water, a necessity for life?

Should we also add lithium?

Or magnesium?

Or calcium?

Who decides what is good, what is not?

Why aren’t we given the choice to not have it in our water supply if we don’t want it there, if the tax money pays for this as a public service?

People certainly are not choosing to buy fluoridated water at the grocery store any longer.  Has been off the shelves for many years now due to lack of demand.

Or do we have no choice in the matter when it comes right down to it?