I am so used to not drinking alcohol that I don’t give a second thought to any possible “discomfort” when being in social situations and being the only person not consuming alcohol.
If you’re in my program, you know how and why I don’t drink alcohol. Among other reasons, it is a toxic poison, period. The liver had to detoxify from its consumption, and you either are going to take in the empty, nutritionless calories understanding you’re doing your body much more of a disservice than service, or you’re not. All the ideas that claim a little alcohol each day is somehow good for you is a load of bunk. What little resveritrol benefits derived from red wine are off set by the toxin your liver has to manage as brain cells are killed and the gut is imbalanced via yeast overgrowth.
It’s nothing for me to take a wine glass or one of those martini glasses and fill it with my spring water. It basically passes as either vodka or wine if you don’t want to draw attention to yourself.
And, it’s rare anyone ever points it out.
At a restaurant recently, everyone around the table was ordering alcoholic drinks. When it came to me, I just asked about the water selections (sometimes I’m stuck ordering purified water, but many restaurants are catering to spring and artesian water now) and I asked for a separate glass, and the waitress actually high-fived me for being the only person there not drinking. (lol)
Not drinking has the added bonus of helping control the appetite, making sleep easy, and keeps depression and anxiety almost completely out of my life. (I feel better now, having not drank for many years, than I did the 20 years previous of drinking. So much so, that I know I”ll never drink again).
Love, Happiness, Health and Peace…………….Tim 🙂