A significant part of my program focuses on the yeast overgrowth and fungal condition in the body. The western lifestyle has lead to this condition to such an extent that it is not just rampant, but many alternative researchers believe it is simply commonplace.
Symptoms show up in a huge number of forms, often in unexpected ways like arthritic or tendonitis-type symptoms, brain fog and fatigue, and anxiety attacks. These are symptoms often considered to have other origins, when often times when the person treats themselves as if they are suffering from a systemic candida infection, symptoms resolve themselves.
In fact, this happens incredibly often. And for the venturous doctor who is willing to actually research it, they’d find that these kinds of studies are and have been going on all the time, they just have not been aware of it or educated on what is really going on. In this sense, and it is a shame, there is a huge resistance in the conventional medicine community to even consider systemic candida as a relevant topic even worthy of discussion. Worse, adequate tests are not available to determine that this is indeed the cause, and the tests that are available, are often not accurate enough regardless.
It is not until the person actually self-treats for a fungal/candida infection, that they discover their symptoms are easing, or being completely eliminated.
No matter what kind of anti-candida protocol you consider, it is my opinion and that of a specialist in treating candida that still-sweating…NOT active sweating…is absolutely crucial to reducing and/or eliminating systemic candida infections. It is a primary exit route for the little buggers.
You will likely find as I have that the use of the sauna (I prefer a dry sauna) will help all sorts of under-the-skin issues as well, such as embedded pimple-type conditions that may have existed for years…slowly dissolve within just a month or two of near-daily sweating in a sauna.
Still sweating truly is an excellent compliment to any overall detoxification program, and seems to amplify anti-candida programs a great great deal.
Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………………………..Tim 🙂