Q and A Regarding Anti-Cancer, Raw Foods

Date: Saturday, August 11, 2012, 12:06 PM

Hi Tim 
I always liked your YOUTUBE clips and that is why I purchased your program .  I would like your opinion on the Gerson anti cancer program . The success is majorly based on
fresh juices ( 14 glasses daily )  ? half of those are carrot and apple juices . Also what about ” Juice feasting ” ? 80 10 10 ? etc. etc.
People claiming weight loss by just eating and juicing fruits and veg. ? 
P.S I like your sense of humor , keep it up !
PPS I have a friend who suffered a spinal cord injury but she is regaining function slowly . Any recommendation for nerve health ?
PPPS what about Ionized water ? 
I know you might be flooded with emails but I hope you will be able to respond .

Thanks , Avi  South Carolina


Thank you for the kind comments and support.

I personally would never go to straight fruit juices for cancer.  I *would* eat whole fruits along with some very intensive green juices instead.  Cancer feeds off sugars, and from my research does not differentiate between sources.

In my pending “Over40andRipped” program, I will somewhat extensively cover the fruitarian/vegetarian/raw food/vegan gig and my opinions on it.  As an ex-vegetarian of 15 years, I feel it can work for some people but not likely for most.  There are some benefits to cooking for example in nutrient release, while disadvantages to enzymes.  I have moral/ethical differences as well, but that’s another topic, too complex in that I support their heart and ethics completely but believe they are not seeing the bigger picture.  And the fruitarian lifestyle is great for a healthy individual, perhaps with a specific metabolic type…but not for candida/fungus, cancer and diabetes, the latter of which I watched a friend go into diabetic shock using fruits.

Love and support the above lifestyles.  Raw foods for cleansing cycles as well.  Totally awesome.  But not necessarily as a long-term lifestyle both from a sustainable standpoint as well as health.

Hope that helps, thanks again for your support……Tim  🙂

P.S. The new juice I’m promoting at www.juiceforskin.com has some studies claiming possible nerve regeneration.  I could not comment on that, it sounds extraordinary, but it’s never-the-less a great product capable of rebuilding a lot of the body…so I would not doubt it’s possible.  Then a full spectrum whole food B-complex for nerves, and just overall top-notch nutrition from whole foods, the value of which cannot be underestimated for people in her condition.  The body is a crazy-great miracle, capable of MAGIC.  🙂