Ab machines, Ab gizmos, Ab Informercial Silly-ness

Ab machines and those other gizmos isolate the ab muscles.  

Just like doing sit-ups isolates that muscle group.

If someone is 30 lbs overweight, will doing sit-ups make their abs pop?


They may have to do several thousand sit-ups a day, but *eventually*, those abs are going to wash-board themselves right through!

(Are you sensing a little sarcasm?)

I rarely do ab exercises any more.  When I do, they are of more an iso-tension variety that I learned from a technique that is many decades old.

And they are not really what most people would call an “exercise.”

My point?

Abs happen only with overall body-wide fat loss, which happens via dieting above all else.

Exercise is a close second, and coupled with the proper diet makes the results just shine right through, but if the person is not adjusting their diet accordingly, no silly machine or EVEN MY AB TACTIC is going to make those abs show.

If there is one thing you learn from this site, make it this:

Do not spend a dime on ANY ab machine UNLESS you have refined your diet and exercise to the point where your abs are ALREADY showing through.

Then, and ONLY THEN, are those ab machines worth anything at all.