I Won’t Make Any Friends Bashing Prescription Drugs.

Prescriptions have become so much a part of western culture that just about everyone now is on one or another of them.

I will prolly piss some people off with this post.

Oh well.

…But often times when those of us who are NOT on drugs…be it legal or illegal…interact with others, we wonder why people seem kinda “off,” but cannot pinpoint exactly what is going on.

We notice their timing in conversation is slowed.  Or their sense of humor is unpredictable or nearly non-existent.  Or they have a sort of blankness to them…perhaps a smile, but an “empty” one.  Glazed eyes.  Or frequent miscommunications, misunderstandings.  And they drop things, or have an unusual awkwardness. 

Perhaps they just seem slightly stoned or drunk.

And we come across these kinds of people fairly often, and from all walks of life.

It’s because, my friends and those of you on the holistic well-being path…they are on drugs.

They just happen to be the legal ones that they won’t go to jail for taking.

Their consciousness IS altered.  They are out-of-phase with the reality, perhaps the “vibration” the rest of us are on.  They are out of tune.  Disconnected.  Ungrounded.  Loose and un-centered.  Out of sorts.

Does it occur to you, those on the path of health and enlightenment, how many of those around you are “under the influence?”

For most of us, it does not.

From our perspective, we think the world is just kinda going overall mad in some slow and perturbing way.

Because, this has become the “new norm.”

And those of us who choose not to go along on THAT ride, have to deal with the dizzy of everyone else.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………..Tim