When I was a kid, Bon Jovi was coming on the scene for all the teenaged girls to go ga-ga over, with his handsome features and way-cool, teased, frosted-spiked hair.
And let’s not forget the ultra-tight pants and bowling-ball buttocks.
It is darn bizarre to see, just about exactly 30 years later, this New Jersey rocker endorsing an over-the-counter pain medication. In fairness, I always find it bizarre when any rock star endorses much of any product. It just seems so out of place, somewhat contrary to the against-the-grain-to-hell-with-the-status-quo attitude of rock ‘n roll in general, and leads me to believe the endorser is for some reason in need of money…no judgement at all in this case, it’s just the first thing that pops in to my mind.
Perhaps because Jon is now a country rock star, it’s a little more acceptable. (?)
I imagine those tight pants back in the day must surely have caused a lot of soreness in certain parts. Perhaps at the least, just getting in and out of them might have been painful. Then all that hair teasing, likely yanking on the scalp to achieve that effect.
I can almost see the commercial now:
“Hi, I’m Jon Bon Jovi. You know me as a rock star, but what you don’t know is what kind of pain I’m often in, in order to pull off being that rock star; It takes two pairs of pliers to pull on these pants, never mind how I get them off, and teasing these luxurious locks makes it feel as if I’m pulling my hair out every night. Thanks to Advil, I’m able to tackle these kinds of aches and pains and get out there on the stage, bringing you my tight bum night after night, and I wouldn’t be without it, or my fifth of whiskey to help wash it down…”
(type of thing)
I’d have liked to have seen THAT kind of ad instead.
Regardless, this drug has one hella’ list of side-effects. Just check out the mayo clinics listing of them below, and decide if this is a drug you want to be ingesting for your pain. In my opinion, there’s lots of alternatives that are much safer and healthier that can be used instead: