Raw Whey Protein Rules

As in “the rules of using raw whey protein.”

The standard against which all proteins are measured is against that of whey protein.

In other words, whey protein is “the” most bio-available protein source there is.  You mix the powder in your favorite healthy drink or spring water, drink/eat it (we view it as a “food,” as compared to a “supplement”) and your body gives a sigh of relief as the desperately needed, healthy and “body-understanding” protein is digested and delivered to exactly where it is needed, the muscles being the focus for most who use it.

When I say “body understanding,” I’m saying that it’s a whole-food…the body “sees” it AS a food, and understands how to best break it down and utilize it.  It is a complete food, filled with all sorts of beneficial components that go far outside that of merely building muscle.

The most productive way to use whey is to eat some both before, even during, but especially AFTER a workout. 

In fact, having it AFTER a workout is SO important, that without it, you have virtually wasted your workout time and effort.

So it boils down to which whey are you going to choose.

The one promoted here as part of the FacelessFatloss program, and the pending “Over 40 and Ripped” program, both developed by Tim Ritter, uses only one kind of protein, sourced from grass-eating, hormone-free cows, a raw milk subjected to only the very lowest temperatures to help destroy harmful bacteria, but NOT destroy the protein/amino acids nor enzymes.

There is absolutely NO POINT, in my opinion, to consuming ANY OTHER WHEY.

“Yes,” this one may cost a bit more…but the trade-off is that you’re getting the cleanest whey on the market, without ANY of the toxic additives the other whey companies use out there to fill up space in their product containers (giving the illusion of more product) as well as poisoning your body in the process with all the flavor enhancers and other completely unnecessary ingredients and latest marketing fads that will entice you to purchase it over a truly clean, honest, and healthy alternative such as that we offer.

“Yes,” I make small commissions on the sale of this product.  All my customers know that with some products I make a little commission (very small) and with others I make none, and with still others, the commission goes to a charitable cause. 

But I also USE this whey as my SOLE WHEY PROTEIN SOURCE.  I literally get ILL now if I have to use any other (I’m not kidding…I’ve run out of supply, purchased the cleanest whey I could find, and felt like CRAP, including a headache, after each usage).

For more information and a link to order: https://www.facelessfatloss.com/rawwheyprotein

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace…………….Tim   🙂