The Question of Food Combining.

Another popular topic I get asked about pertains to food combining…”Should I or shouldn’t I?”

I cover this topic only in passing in my program, so I can understand why there is confusion.  This is often hotly debated amongst the health/nutrition crowd, and people have strong opinions on the issue.

I can’t tell you whether you personally should combine your foods or not…your body needs to be experimented with by YOU first and foremost, but I do have an opinion on the topic myself that *I* feel rather strongly about, stick to myself, and have a decent science standpoint on it as to why.

Understanding my focus on sugar, think about how sugar occurs in nature.

Take an apple for instance.

An apple, is an amazing fruit with a ton to offer us in the form of nutrition.  Think also in terms of how nature combines this sweet fruits naturally occurring sugars with naturally occurring fiber, and you’ll begin to see where I’m going on this issue.

To me, it’s pretty cut and dry.

Think of sugar in any context that it occurs in nature.  It is naturally combined with every other food sector, fats, proteins and fibers.

Milk’s lactose and its fat and protein combo.

Carrots with their fiber.

Think of an example where this sugar is not combined with SOME other fat, protein or fiber.

You’ll be hard-pressed.

And the reason for this is that in nature, these combinations naturally slow the body’s intake of sugar, raising blood glucose levels naturally, in a much slower manner than happens with so many processed and junk foods.

Food combining…mostly a pretty good idea in my opinion.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………………….Tim  🙂