There is a sharp schism that has been forming between the orthodox western medicine, and that of the more alternative approaches.
People are taking sides.
And they are taking these sides with vigor, as if it was a two-party political debate.
Which…in a sense…it has become.
I stay very open-minded to all that western medicine has to offer. And if I’m ever in need of emergency care, it’s good to know there are trained pros nearby who can help with any injury I may have due to an accident, God forbid, or whatnot.
However, I do not have a lot of use for western medicine outside of that need. And this is based on my own personal experience of placing my trust in western medicine, only to find everything that they had to offer made me sicker and sicker, instead of helping me, which I always thought was the point of medicine.
But I…we…may have been wrong on that account. Once money is factored in, a new picture too often seems to point in another direction.
After all, if doctors have no sick people to tend to, how will they make their living?
And of course, the other side of the coin: Aren’t alternative practitioners selling loads of supplements to their customers as well?
We live in a monetary world. A system that requires the exchange of money in order to survive.
But the difference between the two options above seems to boil down to:
Pharmaceuticals with long side effect profiles that make manage a symptom, but not cure the underlying cause, and…
Supplements with much shorter side effect profiles, some to many with no side effects at all, enhancing the underlying health and possibly resolving the cause, as compared to simply treating the symptom.
Both may require on-going use of the pharmaceutical or supplement. But the difference is the severity of the dangers of one over the other, and the benefits derived from one over the other in the long run.
For those victimized by the system of western medicine the divide tends to show up as something similar to this outline (please keep in mind this is just a generalization based on what I’ve witnessed, and there ARE variations…the outline is here ONLY to illustrate a GENERAL point):
Western Medicine Supporters are people who tend to:
-Make a living in some part of the health industry
-Work in government or public positions
-Believe in the overall monetary/debt system, and derive benefits from it that keep them comfortable
-Have never had a serious health issue that required medical intervention and pharmaceuticals, or, were one of the percentage who did not suffer any *visible* discernible side-effects
-Participate and believe in the two-party political system, and have strong opinions either left or right.
-Are generally not open to alternative ideas or theory that takes them outside of what they’ve been educated or brought up with
-Believe in and support the government in its current state, regardless of its obvious problems, rarely questioning the status quo
On the other end, alternative medicine supporters are people who:
-Have been victimized by the system, their doctors, by the drugs they prescribed and suffered side effects from
-Are not employed in the health care industry nor government
-Are extremely open minded about new approaches to resolving symptoms, focusing on resolution of the problem itself, as compared to treating its symptoms and understand the difference
-Are often against the current debt system that seems to be benefiting the few far more than the majority
-Are open to considering alternative approaches to good, honest government, and recognize the two-party system is not working due to vested lobby interests and limitation
-Often question new legislation that may negatively impact them or their families, and question the integrity of the people who construct the bills that restrict their ability to move forward and thrive in life
-Are often struggling financially, having not been able to enjoy the benefits of wealth and the health that often accompanies it
-Have been victimized by some part of the system via laws or procedures that caused stress, were contrary to common sense and consensus decency, and cost them either time, energy or money to fight or lay victim to
The above is only a very general outline that of course is not clear-cut, and is by no means intended to offend anyone with the categories listed. It is simply my personal experience and observation, having seen and interacted with so many people, most of whom have suffered at the hands of “the way of things,” and chose to challenge the situation as per their best ability. At the time of this writing, I was presented with this very scenario once again, demonstrating for me first-hand how entrenched the former category is, and therefore needing to comment on it via this post.
I’d like to simply see more open-mindedness in the former category. And I do not want to see all of the latter category abandon western medical thought, because there ARE some great great people participating in it, who absolutely intend the very best. I know some of these people first hand.
But the vast majority of the time, this polarization maintains itself. And for as long as it does, humanity as a whole will have a struggle moving forward and achieving higher states of health and well-being.
Love, Happiness, Health and Peace……………..Tim