What if Love really DOES “Cure All?”

It’s a hippy/fantasy/wishful-thinking/idealistic/ungrounded/lacking-science-and-common-sense/loopy way of thinking no?

Or is it.

Do we feel better when we experience what we perceive as “love?”

Some people associate “love” with that feeling of attraction to the ones they are drawn to.

Others associate the word “love” with feelings of bliss and connectedness to others and all things.

I personally have always felt a strong attraction to others, animals, the planet, life in general.

It’s a part of my spirituality.

We’re all one family.  Oneness family.  I can feel it in my heart.

This is what “Love” is to me.

Look at what happens in the video below, when the magic of love is applied in a hospital in China, with the intention of healing someone of an illness.

Or rather, I should say…

“Look at what the magic of love did, does and will do.”

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace……………Tim