Woman Dies from Drinking Coca-Cola? Very Possibly…”Yes.”

Hi folks, Tim, aka FacelessFatloss here…

A news item that hit yesterday out of New Zealand is claiming that a woman died from drinking too much Coke.  Apparently she was drinking two gallons worth a day of the stuff.

It’s not too far from being realistic…not at all.  But the problem I have with it is how it will be addressed in the media, and how the story will be spun by the people at Coke.

Right now, they are claiming that ANYTHING you take too much of, including water, can kill you.

This is true.

But what is NOT covered, are all of the ingredients, in fact MOST of the ingredients in this product, and how destructive to most people’s health they can be.

The High Fructose Corn Syrup issue is an on-going one, whereby the corn industry will, for as long as possible, continue with their public service campaigns featuring an attractive, pleasant-looking and pleasant-demeanored actor assuring the audience that corn syrup is just fine, because it comes from corn, and we eat corn, and no one is dying, so all must be well, right?

They have begun to hint in SOME of the ads, but not all, that “in small amounts,” it’s perfectly safe. 

And to an extent, this may be true.

But THEN we really need to know how “safe” is defined.

After all, ingesting a little of many known poisons is considered “safe” by the standards set by the FDA…but what is not explained, nor researched (nor can it be due to the lengths of time it would require to study…a person’s entire lifetime)…is how the accumulation of these poisons racks up in the person’s biology, and in doing so, can be accountable for any of a great range of symptoms of illness; while conveniently being untraceable as a cause.

Please re-read that.

This is also designed into the laws that support these products to enable a robust economy and constant perpetuation of money movement, which the system depends upon as a debt-based machine.  (Everything we do is relegated to commerce in some way, and this is done on purpose, and by design; because where ever there is commerce, the government can and does involve themselves.  This would be a good thing, if only government was more responsible and less corrupt, which most people recognize is the way of things now and has been for a very long time).

So sure, HFCS may come into play here.

But will references be made to the phosphoric acid in Coke, or how carbonation of our drinks causes a carbonic acid condition in the body that lends itself to possible lowered blood pH levels, out of the alkaline ranges and more into the acidic ranges?

There isn’t a lot of variance in blood pH levels that is tolerable by the body.  And the body DOES have compensation mechanisms to help keep the blood in a healthy range (death results otherwise).

But this also creates a huge burden on the body to do so, possibly robbing minerals from bones and other sources to accomplish the task, and in this process, degrading the health of the person incrementally in ways that again, may never be traced back to the soft drink as the source of problems.

I choose to stay away from all soft drinks, and I cover even more reasons why in my program.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace……………..Tim