Why My “Health First” Approach is my Prime Focus:

People want my system because they see the way I look in my public videos year after year, and they want life-long results as well, with low body fat and toned muscles.

The main benefit is the sex appeal factor.

I get it.

People want to look good.

It’s understandable, natural, and as long as it’s not taken to extremes, is perfectly healthy in every way.

And sometimes people will wonder why I have all this peripheral information pertaining to other areas of heath.  Info that they personally believe does not apply to fat loss.

First off, it DOES apply.

We are a very sick society.  Where ever the western diet is spreading, which is to most of the rest of the world, people are becoming fatter and fatter, and more and more sick.

Sure, we can prolong life now, way beyond years past.

But for the most part, that quality of life is dismal for a lot of people.

Health is everything.  I personally believe, as would anyone who puts serious study into it, that it should be…in fact NEEDS to be…the main focus before all else in life.

For without it, we are sub-par human beings, contending with any of a number of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual deficiencies.

All are one.  Quantum mechanics in science, and numerous spiritual practices confirm this.

As do the hearts of anyone who bothers to listen.

The need for health starts from day one on this planet.

From there, the lack of health in any form shows up in any of numerous ways that keeps us from becoming all that we can be.

It can impact us socially.  It can impact our learning.  It can impact our behavior.  It does impact our quality of life. 

And from there, impacts those around us, and affects everything we do.

It NEEDS to be “THE” prime focus.

Once it is…the awesome side benefit becomes a nice six-pack of abs, some great legs and butts, strong chests, shoulders and arms…

And a state of well-being that helps you, and in turn those around you.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace……………Tim  🙂




What if Love really DOES “Cure All?”

It’s a hippy/fantasy/wishful-thinking/idealistic/ungrounded/lacking-science-and-common-sense/loopy way of thinking no?

Or is it.

Do we feel better when we experience what we perceive as “love?”

Some people associate “love” with that feeling of attraction to the ones they are drawn to.

Others associate the word “love” with feelings of bliss and connectedness to others and all things.

I personally have always felt a strong attraction to others, animals, the planet, life in general.

It’s a part of my spirituality.

We’re all one family.  Oneness family.  I can feel it in my heart.

This is what “Love” is to me.

Look at what happens in the video below, when the magic of love is applied in a hospital in China, with the intention of healing someone of an illness.

Or rather, I should say…

“Look at what the magic of love did, does and will do.”

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace……………Tim

I am a FREAK.

Hey there, it’s Tim/FacelessFatloss, a good Tuesday afternoon to you. 🙂
I am not using any prescription drugs.
I am not using any illegal drugs.
I don’t drink alcohol.
I don’t drink coffee.
I exercise regularly and eat clean foods 95% of the time.
I eat little gluten.
Organic fruits and vegetables are in my shopping cart.
I am always conscious of, and grateful to, the source of my meat and animal products.
I have electricity filters in my home.
I hate my cell phone, and place it feet away from me when in use.
I wear a frequency filter around my neck.
I pursue alternative thought…exploring, learning new things, different perspectives.
I don’t use over-the-counter medications, preferring my colloidal silver instead.
I use the sun and tanning booths to get my vitamin D.
I never drink tap water.
I don’t get the flu shot.
I meditate regularly and sometimes practice Qigong.
I rarely to never go to the dentist.
In short, I am a weirdo-freak according to society.
Are you?

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace…………….Tim  🙂

Grocery Store Freak…(Me).

When I go through the check-out lines, I get a kick outta people in line in front of me looking at what is on the conveyor belt heading towards the cashier (when I do not use the self-check-out, which I prefer, but is not open during night hours when I’m often grocery shopping).

My basket of groceries is devoid of Oreos, the common crackers and chips, the familiar “chocolate frosted sugar bombs” cereals, and pasteurized milk and eggs.

My basket tonight had:

organic avocados

a commercial coconut milk

free-range organic jumbo eggs

a chick-pea-based chip-type snack

3 organic bananas

2 organic red delicious apples

a wild rice organic soup

and condoms.

The guy in front of me, from what I could see, was buying:

a twelve pack or so of beer

2 bags of potato chips

a couple blocks of cheese

a couple varieties of crackers

some toothpaste and mouthwash

toilet paper

and condoms.


I don’t know…

Which one of us do YOU think had more fun tonight?

(I’m afraid of what your answer might be).



P.S. Neither one of us were buying condoms…I prefer aluminum foil anyway. ;p

(Sorry, I’m in a goofy mood tonight 😉  The rest of the story is true.) 


I Won’t Make Any Friends Bashing Prescription Drugs.

Prescriptions have become so much a part of western culture that just about everyone now is on one or another of them.

I will prolly piss some people off with this post.

Oh well.

…But often times when those of us who are NOT on drugs…be it legal or illegal…interact with others, we wonder why people seem kinda “off,” but cannot pinpoint exactly what is going on.

We notice their timing in conversation is slowed.  Or their sense of humor is unpredictable or nearly non-existent.  Or they have a sort of blankness to them…perhaps a smile, but an “empty” one.  Glazed eyes.  Or frequent miscommunications, misunderstandings.  And they drop things, or have an unusual awkwardness. 

Perhaps they just seem slightly stoned or drunk.

And we come across these kinds of people fairly often, and from all walks of life.

It’s because, my friends and those of you on the holistic well-being path…they are on drugs.

They just happen to be the legal ones that they won’t go to jail for taking.

Their consciousness IS altered.  They are out-of-phase with the reality, perhaps the “vibration” the rest of us are on.  They are out of tune.  Disconnected.  Ungrounded.  Loose and un-centered.  Out of sorts.

Does it occur to you, those on the path of health and enlightenment, how many of those around you are “under the influence?”

For most of us, it does not.

From our perspective, we think the world is just kinda going overall mad in some slow and perturbing way.

Because, this has become the “new norm.”

And those of us who choose not to go along on THAT ride, have to deal with the dizzy of everyone else.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………..Tim

Vitamin D for Weight Loss?

Obesity and Vitamin D.

Ya’ll hear me rant about vitamin D and Dr. Holick’s work in the area.  I respect his opinion above all others in the area of vitamin D, and you’ll note his suggestions for dosages, and both sun exposure and tanning bed exposure goes beyond what is often suggested by other “authorities.”  

Hell, if we listened to certain authorities, we’d all be avoiding sunlight as if a minute’s worth of it would kill us.

(When the exact opposite is the truth).

The International Journal of Obesity reported on a study from the University of Minnesota that low levels of vitamin D increase the risk of obesity.

Here’s where my law education kicks in again.

We need to be mindful of what is NOT defined here, namely that of what is considered “low levels.”

If we listen to conventional medical doctors, “low levels” are those where we are basically in pain and/or dieing from lack of vitamin D.

(It happens…yours truly has lived it at one time, and it is a horrible experience).

And we know that North America, above a certain latitude, is especially prone to lack of D both due to lack of sun exposure as well as lack of D in the diet, which is tough to come by…just like trying to get D from the sun between about October and April is futile.

The article only went on to speculate about D supplementation as a possible effective route to weight loss.  (These statements always drive an analytical thinker mad as well, as there is a difference between weight loss and fat loss).

But the point is, the levels of D we should have according to Holick differ dramatically from levels suggested by the mainstream.  What if the reduced enrichment of our foods in D, and lack of understanding about the value of D, is in part responsible for the current out-of-control obesity epidemic that I reported on today in the Maintenance Motions blog?

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace……….Tim

In My 40’s with 20/20 Vision via Food/Supplements:

About fourteen years ago I was given glasses due to difficulty seeing objects far away. 

“You’re near-sighted” they said.  And that it was time to “relieve my suffering.”

I knew…just knew…wearing those glasses that made my vision perfect (it was amazing seeing everything so clearly that was far away) would likely cause my eyes to adjust…and require a stronger prescription in the future. 

It just made sense.

So I opted to wear them only to special events, like concerts, when I might need them more.

Since then, I’ve cleared up my diet tremendously per my program, and am cycling some amazing supplements, a core one of which is the magnesium oil I promote in my online videos and in my program (mag oil over at magnesoothe.com…put my name, facelessfatloss, in the coupon code when you purchase anything there for a great discount).

I renewed my driver’s license recently.  (Not by choice, but that’s a topic for another time).

I was concerned about passing the eye test.

When it was sprung on me almost immediately at the desk, asking me to “read line four”…it was nearly crystal clear, and I breezed through it very easily, getting every letter correct.

I assumed they would make me take another test the next line down.

They did not.

I was kinda shocked.

“That’s it?” I asked.

The lady returned “Yup.”

…”You got them all right.”

I genuinely attribute this above anything to magnesium supplementation, with a close second being my clean diet filled with green smoothies, clean raw whey protein (link at the very bottom of this page), and only minimal sweets on a weekly basis.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace…………..Tim

Dr. Holick; He Just Knows His Shit.

A news item today featured a man catching on fire from using some sort of spray-on sunscreen, a product I have not used since I was a child.  Seems to me putting toxic chemicals on my skin might not be a good idea, so I haven’t used them since the early 70’s, being in my 40’s now. 

Plus, I couldn’t stand the feel of them.  Sticky, greasy, slimy.  Not for me.

The man was using an aerosol variety of sunscreen, and went too close to his lit grill and hence his back, torso and ears caught on fire.  He’s still recovering, but I don’t believe the burns were extremely severe, thank goodness.

I have an outright spiritual connection to the sun.  As do many people and cultures around the world.

After all…where would we be without the sun?

We’d be dead, and in short order.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume there was some sort of conspiracy against the sun…being told for decades now to avoid it, sunscreen, extra taxes on tanning salons now as another indirect example.

I support Dr. Holick’s opinions completely, in his great video below.  I have suffered from low vitamin D levels in the past.  Trust me, it feels absolutely awful.  I was stuck indoors for an extended period of time, was not supplementing in any way, and my levels plummeted over time to a level that basically made me sick.

Watch the video below and learn.  Dr. Holick is a lot of fun to listen to, and just look at his vibrancy based on his…what conventional medicine would consider very high…vitamin D levels.

Then get outside and enjoy some of this amazing sun we’re having during these final spring days. 

Heck…get nekkid and spend a good 20 minutes out there.

After all: They’re not putting extra vitamin D in the beer any longer.

(True story, see the video):


Love, Happiness, Health and Peace…………………Tim  🙂







Does CLA Really Work?

The consensus answer is “maybe/kinda.”

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been heavily promoted for many years now as being effective at reducing fat.  Some really aggressive marketing efforts have been put into place that make it seem like the panacea of fat loss.

If this were true, wouldn’t this be a wildly fast-selling supplement that everyone would be raving about?

Of course it would.

The reason why it is not, is that although it does tend to work to at least some degree, when taken long-term…it seems really only effective in about half the people that use it, and, the results are not substantial enough for people to really bother.

Studies seem to be 50/50.

However, another added bonus is that CLA might also decrease inflammation linked to insulin resistance, diabetes and poor sex drive.

Since it seems to be safe and without side effects after years of taking it in some studies, it may be worth experimenting with for some folks who are prone to type 2 diabetes as an added boost to their efforts.  It may be tailed more to these types of conditions than others, but there isn’t any solid evidence supporting this conjecture…it’s more just my personal opinion.

As most of you know, I support simply following a new lifestyle as referenced in my program above all else.  I’m big on specific kinds of carefully chosen supplementation, especially for folks over 40 (and even much younger for some supplements) but it really has to boil down to how one lives their lives above all else.  It’s the “supplement cure” notion, the idea that a pill will solve all our problems, that has become the selling cliche of the past century; causing people to spend endless amounts of money on the alleged quick-fix, over putting the time in to really tend to their own health first, in an effort to create the desired results.

Hence my program.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………….Tim





Dr. Oz Watchdog…Today’s Omissions Regarding Vitamin D:

I don’t know if the show today was a repeat or not, it may have been.

As I’ve mentioned before, I basically like Dr. Oz.  My biggest problem with him is that he does not go into enough detail most of the time, and people become mislead about what they should be doing to best tend to their own health.

Today it was about vitamin D.

A bunch of vitmin D sources were covered, including a lot of enriched foods.  What frustrates me, is that if you read the labels of a lot of enriched foods, you will find that they often use a form of vitamin d2…D TWO…as the source of vitamin D.  Vitamin D3…THREE…has been shown to be a far superior source of vitamin D when taken to increase D levels as effectively as possible.

Countless foods use the inferior D2, likely because it is cheaper to use, increasing the product’s profit margin, while still enabling them to claim that there is vitamin D in the product as nothing more than a marketing pitch.

I am uncertain whether the same measurement of daily values would apply to the D2 vs the D3, but I’m tending to lean towards the idea that there is no differentiation.  And if there is not, consumers are being mislead constantly about exactly how high that percentage listed on the label really applies to their individual needs.  If we’re being told that we’re getting “100% of the Daily Value” of vitamin D (which according to vitamin D expert Dr. Holick is extremely low, and I completely concur) yet the D supplied is D2…are we REALLY getting that 100% of our alleged need?

Then they briefly covered mushrooms, and showed a product that is specially grown in UV light to increase the amount of vitamin D present in the shroom…just bizarre to me…why people are growing food in UV light instead of the sun.  I believe it’s highly probable that food grown in the sun has components to it that we don’t even understand yet; sub-atomic workings of the sun that feed the plants that in turn create micro nutrients on a level that we intuitively “know” are natural and healthy for us, but perhaps we can’t yet explain.

Kinda like getting our D from the sun instead of tanning beds…yes, the tanning beds will work, but short time spent in the sun is almost definitely more beneficial on multiple levels.

So it’s again the omissions that concern me.

Because I know my local health food store gets bombarded after every Dr. Oz show with product requests that Dr. Oz discussed.  I’ve witnessed it first hand, and know the store workers personally.  They often feel the same frustration I do about what is being promoted on Dr. Oz’ show.

Again…he’s not BAD.

He just needs a lot of improvement.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace…………..Tim
